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Paris Amusement

In response to the Amusement Pier gallery of photos, from Nico in Montreal, Tuesday, September 18, 2007 –

    Funny, I was looking at some photos I took this summer of the amusement park set up on the grounds of the Louvre in Paris.  I took a few pictures that I liked while there, just ahead of sundown.  This one juxtaposes the Louvre with the "art work" on the bottom of the fair ride.  Art versus kitsch, what's your distinction?  If it's on an amusement ride or a canvas?

You decide.

Summer 2007 - amusement park set up on the grounds of the Louvre in Paris, at sundown
Summer 2007 - amusement park set up on the grounds of the Louvre in Paris, at sundown, Ferris wheel

Photographs and text copyright © Nico Keyserlingk, 2007, all rights reserved, used with permission

A note from Our Man in Paris, Ric Erickson, editor of MetropoleParis

    Not on 'grounds of Louvre' but in the Tuileries, which adjoins the Louvre. It's in the area that flanks the rue de Rivoli, running from the Carrousel up to the Jeu de Paume. Or is it the Orangerie? Up by Concorde. The Tuileries is owned by the ministry of culture, so it's national not city. They rent out parts to things like the sideshow operators, fashion shows, etc. Remember the big Ferris wheel for 2000 at Concorde? The one that lingered past its welcome? If you need to fix the location of the Louvre properly, just say it is across the street from the Cafe Metropole Club. Famous worldwide.

    - the Club secretary

[Paris Amusement]

All text and photos, unless otherwise noted, Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alan M. Pavlik