




May 2010

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Monday, May 3, 2010 – Asserting Identity

Bust of José Martí - 1975 sculpture by Sergio Lopes Mesa, Echo Park, Los Angeles

This is the bust of José Martí – the Cuban poet and patriot – in Echo Park, a 1975 sculpture by Sergio Lopes Mesa. As Martí was the first and foremost champion of Latin American identity, this is where many protests start, protests by those who would rather not just disappear into some homogenized America. Echo Park, on Sunset between Hollywood and downtown, is Latin of course – but the Cubans are long gone. Echo Park is Central American now – but they still revere José Martí. This bust is often covered in fresh flowers. He's bigger than Cuba – a people should have its own literature and ideals and institutions.

After his death one of his poems was adapted as the song "Guantanamera" – now the definitive patriotic song of Cuba. The Castro regime claims José Martí as their hero and inspiration, as does the Cuban exile community in Miami. But José Martí died in 1895 – he's silent on the matter.

But he's a hero to many. No one wants to disappear.

Bust of José Martí - 1975 sculpture by Sergio Lopes Mesa, Echo Park, Los Angeles
Bust of José Martí - 1975 sculpture by Sergio Lopes Mesa, Echo Park, Los Angeles

Tough times in Echo Park –

Flag Van, Echo Park, Los Angeles
Abandoned Central American market, Sunset at Vendome, Los Angeles

No one wants to disappear into some homogenized America. A utility box on Temple, near Echo Park –

Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles
Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles
Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles
Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles
Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles
Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles
Dancers on utility box on Temple, near Echo Park, Los Angeles

The Quinceañera or Quince años ("fifteen years") in Latin American culture is the coming of age ceremony held on a girl's fifteenth birthday. This is the Quinceañera mural by Theresa Powers, assisted by Carolina Flores - Lemoyne Street and Sunset Boulevard, in Echo Park.

Quinceañera mural by Theresa Powers, assisted by Carolina Flores - Lemoyne Street and Sunset Boulevard, in Echo Park. Los Angeles
Quinceañera mural by Theresa Powers, assisted by Carolina Flores - Lemoyne Street and Sunset Boulevard, in Echo Park. Los Angeles
Bust of José Martí - 1975 sculpture by Sergio Lopes Mesa, Echo Park, Los Angeles
Garcia Walk

If you wish to use any of these photos for commercial purposes I assume you'll discuss that with me. And should you choose to download any of these images and use them invoking the "fair use" provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, please provide credit, and, on the web, a link back to this site.

Technical Note:

These photographs were taken with a Nikon D200 – the lenses used were AF-S Nikkor 18-70 mm 1:35-4.5G ED, or AF Nikkor 70-300 mm telephoto. The high-resolution photography here was modified for web posting using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software.

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All text and photos unless otherwise noted, Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alan M. Pavlik

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